adecc Systemhaus GmbH


Breite Str. 21
13597 Berlin

phone +49 (030) 36 75 84 30
fax +49 (030) 36 75 84 40

Contact Form


Thank you very much for you interest in getting in contact with us. Please send us a message to or take the following contact form into use.


Your personal data

Please enter your personal data below. You only need to provide the most necessary information, but the more information you provide, the easier it is for us to help you.


Your request

Please let us know what you are interested in. Select a request so that we can process your inquiry more quickly.



When you send us information via our contact form, it is important that you understand how we handle the data you provide. Therefore, please read the data regulations for our contact form.


Privacy Policy

The personal data that you provide us with in the context of this contact request will be used to answer your inquiry or contact and for the related administration. It will not be passed on to third parties. The data entered in the contact form is processed on the basis of Art. 6 Paragraph 1 lit. B DS-GVO. This means in the context of pre-contractual contact initiation if you are not yet a member, or, if you are a member, processing is based on the fulfilment of the contract in the context of your membership. You will find further information in our Data Protection Policy

I hereby confirm that I have read and understood the privacy policy.